NDIA ECEI Approach: Re: NDIA Reply: EC16-001080 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

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Dear Ms Gunn

Thank you for your letter (3/11/2016).

In it you wrote:

The Agency continues to consult with experts such as the Cooperative Research Centre for Living with Autism and advocacy groups around the ECEI approach. The Agency values the experience and knowledge from these important groups of stakeholders.

Please would you provide the complete list of the experts that the NDIA consults relating to the provision/delivery of the NDIS for autistic people? And please would you explain how the Cooperative Research Centre for Living with Autism is a “stakeholder” in the NDIS.

We understand this means the NDIA will not consult with Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4).

Assistant Minister's response ignores purpose of letter - meeting request

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On 11/11/2016, A4 received a letter (dated 9/11, see below) from Assistant Minister The Hon Jane Prentice MP in response to A4's email that contained a meeting request. A4 sent a copy of the original letter to the Assistant Minister. 

The letter mentions a response from the NDIA and says the "letter is enclosed" ... but it wasn't.

NDIA, impartial advice and access to best practice early intervention for autistic children

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Dear The Hon Jane Prentice MP

I write about the promise that “that no one will be worse off under the NDIS” (see here). My particular concerns relate to autistic children and their access to impartial information and effective (best practice) early intervention.

I am writing to you because writing to the NDIA (see here, here, here and here for example) made no discernible difference (on these, or any other significant issue)

NDIA response on NDIS ECEI issues in email

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Mr Bob Buckley

Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4)


Dear Mr Buckley

Thank you for your email of 6 October 2016 to the Chief Executive Officer of the National Disability Insurance Agency (the Agency), Mr David Bowen, about the Agency’s Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) approach for autistic children. Mr Bowen has asked me to respond on his behalf. I apologise for the delay in responding.

NDIA freeze on new participants in the ACT

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The following is an brief exchange of emails between Bob Buckley and Andrew Barr MLA ... very soon before the 2016 ACT election.

This is an important matter for the whole nation, not just the Australian Capital Territory and South Australia.

Thank you for your very quick response. I hope you are right.

In South Australia, the NDIA stopped accepting new clients during their trial ... while we were told the scheme was meant to be uncapped, that turned out to be false.


Bob Buckley

On 13/10/2016 9:16 PM, BARR wrote:

letter/email to David Bowen, NDIA CEO, on NDIS Early Intervention

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Dear Mr Bowen,

Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4), the national grassroots advocacy group for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is alarmed and disappointed by the National Disability Insurance Agency’s (NDIA’s) video on Facebook (see https://www.facebook.com/NDISAus/videos/594542027373310/ … a transcript is given below) about how its Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) Approach is meant to work for autistic children. Disappointingly, this video shows that the NDIA continues to ignore/rejects expert advice and the peer reviewed research literature that defines best practice (and evidence-based) early intervention (EI) for autistic children (see http://a4.org.au/node/843).

The NDIA’s video features Michelle and her children (hopefully not their real names). While the following is critical of the video’s content, it is not intended to criticise Michelle who appears to be doing her best for her children. The NDIA is wholly responsible for the content of the video.