letter: NDIA, autism stakeholders and early intervention

By convenor |

Mr Robert De Luca

CEO of the National Disability Insurance Agency

Dear Mr De Luca

Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia, known as A4, is the national grass-roots advocacy group representing autistic people and others living with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). A4 and others in the ASD community have tried to engage with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) from the outset. But there has been very little progress.

Correspondence with NDIS

By convenor |
Subject: Letter from Chris Faulkner [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] NDIS logo
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2018 03:29:29 +0000
From: FAULKNER, Chris
To: Bob Buckley (A4 Convenor)

Good afternoon,

Please find attached letter following on from our meeting on 30/01/2018.

MC18-000018 - NDIA meeting request

By convenor |

On 2/2/2018, A4 received a letter dated 25/1/2018 (link to PDF below) from an NDIA official asking to meet with A4.

The meeting was held on 30/1/2018 (before A4 received the written request - it was organised by phone and email).

Note that the letter says the purpose of the meeting was "to discuss your [A4's] concerns".

disappointing NDIS response on early intervention for autistic children

By convenor |

Dear Minister and Assistant Minister

Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia, known as A4, recently received a very inadequate response (MC17-001434) to our emails to you dated 5/11/2017 and 11/12/2017. Our emails to you expressed extensive concerns about the NDIS and specifically its approach to early intervention for autistic children.

Ms Christine Faulkner, General Manager of the NDIS, says: “The Assistant Minister has asked me to reply to you on her behalf”.

The result must be so disheartening for you. Ms Faulkner’s response to us, on your behalf, is so disappointing for a collection of reasons.

A response (of sorts) to this letter can be seen at http://a4.org.au/node/1654 (it is also very disappointing).

Government's response on NDIS and early intervention for autistic children 20/12/2017

By convenor |


There are supports that are unable to be provided under the NDIS, as they are the responsibility of other service systems. These systems and their responsibilities are outlined in the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Principles to Determine the Responsibility of the NDIS and other Service Systems. These principles were agreed to by respective jurisdictions and the Commonwealth. More information about the COAG principles that govern the NDIS can be found at: www.coag.gov.au.