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cruel NDIS policy targets the most autistic and vulnerable NDIS participants

By convenor |

NDIS policy (AAT Case Management Guide Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) - see below) fails some of the youngest and most severely autistic NDIS participants. Clinicians advise that some children with severe/profound or classic autism need intensive early intervention for their autism. NDIS policy (see below) says funding for the required early intervention depends on families winning a case against the government in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).

Opinion: I’m an NDIS participant. Here’s what I’ve uncovered about this chaotic system

By bobb |

Zoe Mithen Disability advocate

Fixing the NDIS mess requires honesty, not scapegoating. Costs can only be controlled by limiting participant numbers – tightening eligibility – or cutting average per person funding levels

Since 2017, when the National Disability Insurance Scheme rolled out in my area of Victoria, it has been a lifeline.

ChatGPT: NDIS and parents of autistic children

By convenor |

ChaptGPT provided the following response in relation to the NDIS's approach to parents of autistic children ...

There have been reports and discussions surrounding the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia regarding derogatory comments or insensitive behavior by some officials towards parents of autistic children. While it's important to note that not all officials engage in such behavior, there have been instances where parents have reported negative experiences. Some concerns raised by parents include:

Is generic speech therapy for autistic children evidence-based?

By bobb |

Answer: it appears not.

Recently, the NDIS was unable to provide any evidential basis for having generic speech or occupational therapy listed as a support for autistic children - see

There are various other examples where evidence supporting generic speech therapy is missing. These include research reviews for Australian Government agencies - in particular

255 Organisations Demand More Time to Codesign NDIS Reforms

By bobb |

Australia's disability sector, including A4, united over the government's poor approach to disability reform. They said: 

A coalition of 255 disability organisations and providers, including Australia’s peak disability representative bodies, have come together to call for urgent action from the Government and the new Minister for the NDIS, Amanda Rishworth, to protect the safety and wellbeing of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants amid rushed reforms.

on becoming  ACT Young Australian of the Year

By bobb |

Erika McGown

Artist and neurodiversity advocate Daniel Bartholomaeus has been recognised for his efforts in using art to build connections.

Daniel Bartholomaeus sat with his hands pressed tightly over his mouth, his eyes wide with disbelief, sheer shock and excitement radiating. He had just heard his name announced as the 2025 ACT Young Australian of the Year. 

Minutes before, Daniel had sat in the audience, taking in the experience.