Submission to Disability Royal Commission on Education of autistic students

By convenor |

On 3/2/2020, A4 sent its belated submission responding to the Disability Royal Commission's (DRC) Issues Paper on Education of students with disability. The submission was due in December, but A4 has limited resources to do this type of work. Hopefully, the DRC will consider A4's submission.

The submission makes the following suggestions to the Royal Commission.

Submission/comment to Productivity Commission Mental Health inquiry

By convenor |
Subject: re: Your Mental Health inquiry submission [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2019 09:44:39 +1100 (AEDT)

Thank you Mr Buckley! We have received your submission.

For any other queries, please email

Below is a record of the information you sent us:

Submission on autism/ASD and the NDIS in the ACT

By convenor |

A4 and SOfASD made a joint submission to the ACT Standing Committee on Health, Ageing and Social Services about the NDIS. It concludes with the following section:

Conclusions and suggestions

The NDIS has enormous potential to improve the lives of Australians with disability and the whole community. But to achieve its goals, the NDIS needs to be so much better than it is now.

The NDIA seems to have issues particularly with autistic participants.

Submission on National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs

By convenor |

A4 made a submission to the Productivity Commission study of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Costs

The submission's conclusion says:

Previously, we said that the NDIS has substantial potential to improve the lives of autistic people. They may have access to more services and supports. They have more choice and control of the services and supports they access.

Inquiry into the provision of services under the NDIS for people with psychosocial disabilities related to a mental health condition

By bobb |

A4's submission

A4 made a submission to the inquiry by the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS into the provision of services under the NDIS for people with psychosocial disabilities related to a mental health condition