Show news for a region of your choice (mostly Austraian news).

Raising an Autistic Child: Coping With the Costs

By bobb |


Chris Taylor / Reuters June 24, 2014

A new study pegs the lifetime cost of caring for a child with autism at $1.4 million. For parents, there are no easy solutions.

When Linda Mercier’s son Sam was around two years old, she knew something wasn’t right.

That was the beginning of a very long road, one that has involved significant time, effort — and money, plenty of it. Hundreds of thousands of dollars so far, Mercier estimates, on tutors, therapists and lost wages.

Children with autism miss out in NDIS

By bobb |

Shortfall: For Monika Dobek and her daughter Olivia, the national disability scheme funds less than half the care needed. Photo: Ben Searcy

Families of children with autism say they have been short changed under the National Disability Insurance Scheme, with early intervention therapy provisions falling far below international best practice.

Participants in launch sites have been told they will received funding for less than six hours of therapy a week, less than a third of the recommended 20 hours.

Monika Dobek has been spending about $35,000 a year on 20 hours a week of evidence-based applied behaviour analysis therapy for her six-year-old daughter, Olivia, who was diagnosed with autism two years ago.

She was delighted when she was told Olivia would be eligible for funding under the NDIS in April but stunned to discover the money would only cover six hours of therapy a week.

Disabled ‘need say’ in NDIS

By bobb |

Rick Morton, Social Affairs Reporter, The Australian, June 20, 2014

AUSTRALIA’S only politician who uses a wheelchair has written to the chairman of the national disability insurance scheme urging the board to listen more carefully to people who have a “lived experience” of disability.

South Australian Legislative Council member Kelly Vincent, who heads the Dignity for Disability Party, wrote to Bruce Bonyhady last week, highlighting the lack of people with disability involved in national forums relating to the landmark NDIS.

to Victorian Education official: "every word you wrote is inaccurate".

By bobb |

A story headed Disabled children are left behind in the Bendigo Advertiser (see below) raised issues about how the education system in Victoria addresses the needs of children with ASD.

An official from the Victorian Education Department responded immediately (see below). Unfortunately, the officials's response was just wrong, as is far too often the case (e.g.

The response to the official's claims was immediate and "direct". Ms Kelly wrote to the Bendigo Advertiser and posted her letter on facebook (link here) where her message to the Bendigo Advertiser received significant support from families in her region.

In reference to Jeanette Nagorcka's not so well thought out letter/response in today's Bendigo Advertiser.

Ms Nagorcka

I have evidence and physical proof that every word you wrote in your letter titled Disabled Children article concerns is inaccurate. But at least you responded, unlike all of the letters and complaints that have been sent to you not only from this region but others including Geelong that you have chosen to dismiss.

Autism plea pressed at WHO

By bobb |

Bangladesh has urged all WHO member states to approve the autism resolution in the ongoing world health assembly that began on Monday in Geneva.

Health Minister Mohammed Nasim made the appeal on Tuesday in his speech in the assembly.

The World Health Organisation’s Executive Board ‘unanimously’ accepted the resolution placed by Bangladesh last year, clearing the way for its placement in this general assembly for final approval.

School locked autistic children in dark room, parents claim

By bobb |

Elissa Doherty Herald Sun May 18, 2014

AUTISTIC children have been repeatedly locked in a darkened room for up to 20 minutes for misbehaving at a special school, staff and parents claim.

Seven parents have come forward with the allegations and two are pursuing separate court actions against Marnebek School in Cranbourne East over restraint, seclusion and other issues.

School locked autistic children in dark room, parents claim

By bobb |

AUTISTIC children have been repeatedly locked in a darkened room for up to 20 minutes for misbehaving at a special school, staff and parents claim.

Seven parents have come forward with the allegations and two are pursuing separate court actions against Marnebek School in Cranbourne East over restraint, seclusion and other issues.

Staff have told the Herald Sun that terrified children would put up a fight when being led into the “time out” room, while other disciplinary tactics have included teachers sitting on unruly students.

Autism centre a life changer - Bundaberg Qld

By bobb |

ONE CHANCE: Bah-Lee-J Weller, Kaaliya-Dae Weller, Bek Weller and AEIOU centre manager Andrea Trudeau are encouraging volunteers to join them in the 40km Take A Hike for autism walk on Sunday 25 May. Photo: Mike Knott / NewsMail

ASK any parent what it is like to drag their child to the shops and they will tell you it can be quite the adventure to say the least.

But when your child has autism that adventure can quickly turn into a nightmare.