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Why you should never assume anything about people with autism

By bobb |

AUTHOR: Luke Beardon, Senior Lecturer in Autism at Sheffield Hallam University

Decades ago I found myself working with a young woman with autism. I had done my reading of the autism texts of the time, and was singularly surprised when nothing I had read matched up to the person I was sat next to. There was no flapping, she had no interest in my earrings or buttons, and she certainly wasn’t even lining anything up.

How to spot an Autism Spectrum Disorder in school-age children

By bobb |

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD; which now includes former diagnostic labels such as Autistic Disorder and Asperger syndrome) is a life-long neuro-developmental disorder. It first shows itself early in life, emerging across toddlerhood and into the preschool years.

It’s what’s on the outside that counts

There is no genetic or blood test for ASD; diagnosis is based on behaviour.

Marky Roberts has Down syndrome — and is at the centre of a battle affecting SA’s intellectually disabled adults

By bobb |

MARKY Roberts cannot speak but he has a growing voice in his Victor Harbor community, which is speaking out to protect him.

The 38-year-old, who has severe Down syndrome, is at the centre of a battle affecting hundreds of South Australia’s intellectually disabled adults who face being chemically or physically restrained for even the most basic medical care.

Australian first employment model for people with Autism

By bobb |

This appears to be the Government taking credit for something where it did little or nothing (editor).

03 February 2015

Senator the Hon Marise Payne
Minister for Human Services

In an Australian-first 11 people with Autism Spectrum Disorder have begun traineeships designed to harness their unique abilities at the Department of Human Services in Adelaide.