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Brain study reveals insights into genetic basis of autism

By bobb |

UNSW scientists have discovered a link between autism and genetic changes in some segments of DNA that are responsible for switching on genes in the brain.

UNSW scientists have discovered a link between autism and genetic changes in some segments of DNA that are responsible for switching on genes in the brain.

The finding is the result of a world-first study of the human brain that identified more than 100 of these DNA segments, known as enhancers, which are thought to play a vital role in normal development by controlling gene activity in the brain.

What does a life lived on the autism spectrum look like?

By bobb |

The overwhelming sense of feeling ‘different’ is familiar to many of the 230,000 Australians living with autism. But how does that actually play out as an adult in day-to-day life? 

A first of its kind UNSW-led study is aiming to better understand how adults with autism experience their world.

The overwhelming sense of feeling ‘different’ is familiar to many of the 230,000 Australians living with autism. But how does that actually play out in day-to-day life?

Botched SA NDIS pilot leaves children in limbo

By bobb |

The trial of the $22 billion Nation­al Disability Insurance Scheme in South Australia has twice as many eligible clients as predicted, is 12 months behind schedule and is such a disaster that the federal minister responsible priv­ately calls it the country’s “worst” pilot of the scheme.

The agency delivering the NDIS has sought to hide the exten­t of the overrun in the state by releasing figures it knows are out of date.

Autistic teenager beaten up by bullies makes them watch 20-minute video about autism

By bobb |

A teenager with Asperger’s syndrome has given an important lesson to a gang of bullies who beat him up.

Rather than pressing charges, he recorded a 20-minute video about his condition for them to watch and learn about life from his point of view.

Gavin Joseph was tricked by a group of boys into thinking that they wanted to be friends with him, but they then violently attacked him because they felt his condition makes him ‘weird’ and ‘creepy’. 

Can inclusive education do more harm than good?

By bobb |

Editor: For most students with ASD, inclusive education is "a better option". But students with ASD, for whom inclusive education is not working, may need alternatives. ABS reports (see here) shows 6% of Australian students with "autism" did not attend school in 2012 - our experience/observation is that much of this is through "school refusal" (see page, report and other). Contrary to persistent misinformation from Inclusion hard-liners, little actual evidence is available supporting inclusive education for children with autism/ASD (see, and/or​).

Recently, a teacher expressed his misgivings about the “inclusion at all costs” ideology of modern education. Despite being well supported by his school and hugely in favour of inclusive practice, he outlined his difficulties in managing a young fellow with Down Syndrome whose behaviour in the classroom was extremely difficult, and increasingly dangerous. This resulted in children and staff leaving the school, citing concerns about their safety and psychological health.

The article attracted derision from many, but also a sigh of relief from other teachers and a surprising number of parents of children with a disability.

Why autism spectrum disorders are under-diagnosed in women and girls

By bobb |

Many people tend to think of autism as a male disorder, but emerging research shows that girls often have different symptoms which cause them to slip through the net. These girls and women are often misdiagnosed or go undiagnosed altogether. Lynne Malcolm and Olivia Willis report.

With the exception of a few notable women around the world, autism is widely considered to be a disorder that affects men.

NDIS dumps "My Access Checker", adds "Access Checklist"

By bobb |

After almost 2 years in trial sites, the NDIA replaced it's "NDIS My Access Checker" web page. It has a new page that asks the key questions for NDIS eligibility ... and shows where the trial sites are operating.

The people currently getting NDIS support are those in NDIS trial sites. Others have to wait for the full roll out (which is getting closer).

The new web page is called the NDIS Access Checklist. Feel free to take a look.