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Pay school funds: NSW state Coalition

By bobb |


State Education Minister ­Adrian Piccoli, a Nationals MP, said the federal government’s ­refusal to fully fund the Gonski ­reforms, worth $5 billion to NSW schools, was like stopping a new railway line midway through construction. “It’s like building a train line that costs $5bn and takes six years to build, but you stop building it halfway through,’’ he said.

“You’ve already spent $2bn or $3bn and no passengers have travelled on it.

Nonspeaking teen writes profound letter explaining autism

By bobb |

For the first 14 and a half years of Gordy's life, Evan and Dara Baylinson had no reason to believe their son could comprehend anything they said: He had never spoken, and he couldn't really emote. They worried aloud about his future, not filtering what they said, because they didn't think he understood.

But Gordy was absorbing everything.

"My brain, which is much like yours, knows what it wants and how to make that clear," he wrote in a letter he sent to a police officer. "My body, which is much like a drunken, almost six-foot toddler, resists."

Autism Can Be An Asset In The Workplace, Employers And Workers Find

By bobb |

As the population of people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder keeps growing, so does the number of people with that diagnosis who aren't finding employment.

Though many young adults on the spectrum are considered high functioning, recent research shows 40 percent don't find work — a higher jobless rate than people with other developmental disabilities experience.

The debate about diet and autism

By bobb |

Paula Goodyer

"Boy recovers from autism after going gluten free."

"Gluten- free casein-free diet no remedy for autism."

Welcome to the conflicted world of diet and autism where opinion over the benefits of removing gluten (the protein in wheat, rye and barley) and casein (the protein in milk) from the diet is divided. Depending on which website you click on, the gluten-free, casein-free diet is either saviour or undiluted snake oil.

Opinion: NSW public schools receive an ‘F’ for disabled kids

By bobb |

by David Roy

A quarter of children with a disability denied a place in their local school; Students are being bullied by teachers because of their disability; There are negative attitudes to children with a disability by schools, principals and some staff; No allowance made in learning for children with a disability. No training for teachers; Funding and schools not accountable.

Autistic five-year-old suspended from Prep school

By bobb |

ONE of the biggest milestones in a child’s life — starting school — has turned sour for little Jacob Hall.

The five-year-old Preppie, who has autism, was suspended by Bray Park State School in his second term for “conduct that adversely affects, or is likely to adversely affect, the good order and management of the school”.

His mum Sarah said she could not believe the school’s action.

She has since removed Jacob and enrolled him at Lawnton State School, where he started on May 3. She said he was settling in well and enjoying his time at Lawnton.

Wodonga disability advocates Jen Tait and Toni Reeves | member for Indi Cathy McGowan | National Disability Insurance Scheme rollout 2017

By bobb |

BORDER mums are taking the disability service system to task in a heartfelt plea to Canberra.

Wodonga disability activist and mum to a son with autism, Jen Tait, and Gateway Health’s Community Inclusion and Population Health manager and mum to a son with a disability, Toni Reeves, have put their concerns on the public record.

Ms Tait wrote a moving letter to the member for Indi, Cathy McGowan, seeking a fair go for people living with disabilities on the Border.