The following list shows A4's recent advocacy. This list contains both publications (including briefs and submissions) and communications (letters & emails).

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employment and education submissions to the National Autism Strategy

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In addition to previous submissions, A4 worked with GCG on an employment strategy. And submitted the report to the National Autism Strategy development team. 

GCG also wrote a paper on Road Map to Inclusive Education: Developing School Policy Reforms for Australian Schools (K-Y12) for the Australian Autism Alliance.

Behaviourally based interventions in children on the autism spectrum: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis

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Through the freedom of Information process, A4 came across a report that was prepared for the NDIS that is very relevant to autistic NDIS participants in Australia. However, the NDIS decided not to publish this report.

A4 decided it should make the report available for people who need it.

The report's key conclusions say:

Actuarial student's issues with autism

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An actuarial student at the ANU has been writing adversely about autism and the NDIS. 

A4 expressed concerns that some of the mainstream media was linking her work to the NDIS. The NDIS indicated that

She does not represent the views of the agency and we are in contact with her to ensure she is clear in any future work with ANU that her views are her own.

A4's communication with the NDIS can be seen below.


Reports provided to the National Autism Strategy (NAS)

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As the NAS got underway, A4 provided several reports (see below).

The Autism Spectrum Disorder in Australia report describes numerous datasets relating to autism. Australia has several national datasets that include population data relating to people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. These show diagnosis rates over time, by age, etc. Some of the data is quite detailed.