The following list shows A4's recent advocacy. This list contains both publications (including briefs and submissions) and communications (letters & emails).

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Dear PM - the Government's war on autistic Australians

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A4 does not often write to the Prime Minister, we usually write to minsters responsible for specific issues.

The letter below complains formally to the Prime Minister that parts of the Government, especially the NDIA, are waging a war on autistic Australians.


The Hon Scott Morrison MP
Prime Minister
Parliament House

Dear Prime Minister

Subject: government’s war on autistic Australians

I write to protest formally at the war on autistic Australians being waged by:

changed position on National Autism Plan

By convenor |

Dear members of the Select Committee on Autism

When I appeared before you recently, you asked about a National Autism Strategy. Please disregard the answer I provided at the time.

Since that time, the Department of Social Services (DSS) and Services Australia:

  1. had senior officials appear before the Community Affairs Committee, and
  2. released a Position Paper on its National Disability Strategy.

These events both show DSS to be no longer fit-for-purpose.

Comment on DSS National Disability Strategy options paper

By convenor |

Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia responded to DSS's Options Paper on continuing the old National Disability Strategy (NDS) which they call a "new" strategy.

DSS's Options Paper shows no evidence of input from the disability community, especially input that says the previous strategy didn't work and substantial change is needed.

It also shows that it does not understand human rights in Australia but still tries to take a human rights perspective.

mental health support for autistic Australians

By convenor |

Dear Minister The Hon Greg Hunt MP

While Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4) appreciates the Government's improved provisions for some Australians needing increased support with their mental health, we are concerned that the needs of autistic Australians with mental illness, some those in most need of mental health support, are not being recognised and addressed.