The following list shows A4's recent advocacy. This list contains both publications (including briefs and submissions) and communications (letters & emails).

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Open Letter: Now is the time to act on pandemic measures for people with disability

By convenor |

Media Release

People with disability, and their organisations, across Australia are calling for urgent action, again, to keep us safe during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Over 70 national, state and territory disability organisations have come together to urge the National Cabinet to take the urgent action we need to keep people with disability free of the COVID-19 virus.

Report: We look after our own mob

By bobb |

World first research report on Australia's First Peoples experiences of autism

Positive Partnerships is proud to have collaborated with Macquarie University on a new research report titled 'We Look After Our Own Mob: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Experiences of Autism'. On Tuesday 18th February this report was launched at the State Library of New South Wales by the Honourable Linda Burney MP, NSW Shadow Minister for Families and Social Services, Shadow Minister for Indigenous Australians.

Submission to Disability Royal Commission on Education of autistic students

By convenor |

On 3/2/2020, A4 sent its belated submission responding to the Disability Royal Commission's (DRC) Issues Paper on Education of students with disability. The submission was due in December, but A4 has limited resources to do this type of work. Hopefully, the DRC will consider A4's submission.

The submission makes the following suggestions to the Royal Commission.

NDIA FoI response: "the NDIS does not fund ABA"

By convenor |

The NDIS responded to A4's FoI request (20/12/2019). The two document can be downloaded from the links below.

A4 had some follow up correspondence with the NDIA about the NDIA's response to A4's email to the Ministers. That correspondence is available at and The NDIA omits this correspondence from its FoI documents below.

Response to DSS FoI: the NDIS does not fund ABA

By convenor |

A4 received this response (link to download and accompanying email below) to our DSS FoI request - see

Basically, DSS's response below says it has no record of anyone passing A4's letter to the Department (which should mean DSS, the NDIA is "the Agency"), as Assistant Minister Prentice's Office told A4 in an email on 4/12/2017. A Department representative suggested (on the telephone) that A4's letter was sent to the NDIA, not to the Department.

ABC heavily redacted FOI on NDIS waiting times

By bobb |

Dear FOI Team

Thank you for the information that you provided.

I notice that the document you provided does not include:

  1. a record of the ABC's FoI request, and
  2. the list of documents in the response.

As they are not in the disclosure log, please would you also provide these documents?