The following list shows A4's recent advocacy. This list contains both publications (including briefs and submissions) and communications (letters & emails).

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letter to Senator Fifield, Assistant Minister responsible for disability services and supports

By convenor |

Dear Senator Fifield

The following raises concerns about the likely and imminent demise of crucial services for children with autism. I understand that the contracts for the Autism Advisers (funded as part of the Commonwealth Government's Helping Children with Autism package) in South Australia and in the Australian Capital Territory have not been renewed. As a result of the NDIS, the Autism Adviser service in these regions will cease soon unless those contracts are renewed.

media shame: Australian's dog-whistle reporting on NDIS

By bobb |

The Australian newspaper cited outdated information (see article) to dog-whistle right-wing discontent over the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The article, published 29/3/2014, cited the average cost for the first 3 months over subsequent (much more indicative) data from the first six months of the trials. As the article says, the average cost dropped to $40,000 per person in the second quarterly report.

letter to Senator Abetz

By convenor |

A4's Convenor posted a letter to Senator Abetz this morning. The letter requested a meeting to discuss matters arising from things he said on the ABC's Q&A program first broadcast on 17/2/2014.

The letter contains links to the video of the show ... and our transcript of the section of concern of the show.

It also gives detailed reason for our concerns ... and evidence to support our case.

A4 is concerned that Minister Abetz and the Government:

  • misunderstand and misrepresent people who receive a Disability Support Pension ... often portraying them as welfare bludgers

research: use of complimentary/alternative treatment

By bobb |

Utilization Patterns of Conventional and Complementary/Alternative Treatments in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Disabilities in a Population-Based Study

... A higher level of parental education was associated with an increased CAM use in ASD and DD. Families who used >20 hours per week of conventional services were more likely to use CAM, including potentially unsafe or disproven CAM. Underimmunized children were marginally more likely to use CAM but not more likely to have received potentially unsafe or disproven CAM.


Medical Journal - Autism spectrum disorder: A guide for physicians to help families

By bobb |

Increased awareness of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is placing huge demands on health care systems and health care professionals to help children and their families cope with the disorder. A comprehensive evidence-based review published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) aims to help physicians provide appropriate medical support to families of children with ASD, from detection to treatment.