The following list shows A4's recent advocacy. This list contains both publications (including briefs and submissions) and communications (letters & emails).

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Qld Government information about autism spectrum disorder is out of date

By convenor |

A4 sent the following message to the Queensland Government via its contact webpage ... 

Much of the information on your webpage:… is out of date.

Over 2% of school-age children in Australia are now diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

The DSM-5 was published back in May 2013 — the term "autism spectrum disorder" replaced the terminology/categories described in the DSM-IV.

advocate's letter to the NDIA

By convenor |

A disability advocate, Ms Julie Phillips, wrote this letter (link here PDF 3.5Mb) to the David Bowen, CEO of the NDIA, about early intervention for autism spectrum disorder. The letter starts:

I refer to the recent article in The Australian earlier this week 'Autism Cost Estimates Wrong'.

The article in The Australian that she refers to is available here: Bob Buckley: NDIS autism cost estimates ‘wrong’

autism groups want bullying in schools gone

By convenor |

Media Release

Autism groups around the country agree that bullying of autistic students in schools must be properly addressed.

For years, Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (known as A4) has cited published research showing bullying of autistic students in schools is a major problem and the result is abysmal education outcomes for autistic students (see and

Students with disability shouldn't be underestimated

By bobb |

As school goes back for the year, the Senate report into the systemic failings of the education system for students with disability is very timely. In the myriad emails principals will see in their inbox, I hope mention of this report is one of them. 

The report calls out the system's "entrenched culture of low expectations" towards students with disabilities. If parents score a school that has an enabling culture towards disability, you have won the "lottery". I know this first-hand because my feisty mother managed just that.

Senate Committee report: Access to real learning: the impact of policy, funding and culture on students with disability

By bobb |

The report is available at…

It contains: 


Recommendation 1

4.75 The committee recommends that the government commits to funding schools on the basis of need, according to the Gonski Review.

Recommendation 2

'Shocking' abuse of Victorians with disabilities

By bobb |

Deborah Glass

In investigating the abuse of disabled people, Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass found a system where process rates above the needs and human rights of people.

We must support the independence and decision making of people with disability, and never more steadfastly than when they make allegations of abuse.

We must support the independence and decision making of people with disability, and never more steadfastly than when they make allegations of abuse.

about the Disability Support Pension

By bobb |

Dear The Hon C Porter MP

Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (known as A4) received the response below from Gary Knox to our email that asked several questions.

Mr Knox's response describes material that is well known to us; particularly in relation to Impairment Table 7 - Brain Function. And it describes Centrelink's review system and the possibility of appealing a review to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. 

Where Autism Got The Right Treatment In 2015

By bobb |

Opinion by Emily Willingham

It’s a pleasure to have the abundance of choices available this year in selecting the best online places to read news and views about autism online. Some sites stand out as reliably respectful of autistic people and disability in general, and this year offered up some truly remarkable storytelling about the past, present, and future of autistic people.

I started writing online about autism more than 10 years ago. Even as the Internet and social media were emerging as a gathering place, accommodation and access point to others that autistic people had never had before, it also was a place where one could stumble at every turn onto the worst of the worst: People who brutalized children with false treatments falsely promised, news stories that infantilized, belittled and dehumanized autistic people and an incessant drumbeat of fear and paranoia about that monster, Autism.