meeting request

By convenor |

The Honourable Paul Fletcher MP

Minister for Families and Social Services

Dear The Honourable Mr Fletcher MP,

As Convenor of Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (known as A4), I write to request a meeting with you to discuss the needs of autistic Australians for Government services and supports.

The natural science behind applied behaviour analysis

By bobb |

While most likely best-known among the public as a treatment for autism, the field of behaviour analysis has far-reaching beneficial applications. Unfortunately, however, it’s often portrayed in the media in a negative light, focusing on inaccurate stereotypes regarding punishment and control.

So, what exactly does it involve?

Behaviour analysis is a natural science approach to understanding behaviour, learning, language and cognition. As a science, it’s conceptually similar to the disciplines of psychology, biology, chemistry and medical science.

Caution Needed Over Autism Diagnosis Guidelines

By convenor |

Maggie Coggan

Social Services Minister Paul Fletcher announced the release of a national standard for diagnosing autism on Tuesday, and said it would vastly improve the consistency of diagnosis of people with autism.

“This guideline brings greater clarity to the way autism is diagnosed – that’s good news for the families of people undergoing assessment,” Fletcher said.    

New autism test faces scrutiny

By bobb |

Rick Morton

A Coalition plan to introduce a new national guideline for autism diagnoses will further raise demand for clinical assessments that already cost thousands of dollars and could end up dis­advantaging children if they are not implemented properly, an ­expert has warned.

Coalition says new autism guidelines won't affect NDIS access

By bobb |

Paul Fletcher says guidelines developed in consultation with people living with autism, researchers and doctors

Melissa Davey

New national guidelines for diagnosing autism announced by the federal government on Tuesday will have no impact on those with autism previously deemed eligible for funding under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the minister for social services, Paul Fletcher, has said.

Autism overhaul amid NDIS cases blowout

By bobb |

Rick Morton

Guidelines for autism cases will be streamlined nationwide and doctor-shopping for diagnoses will be eliminated, under a series of reforms aimed at stemming a blowout in the National Dis­ability Insurance Scheme.

The reforms, to be announced by the Morrison government today, have been heralded as a revolution in the way it would smooth out “significant variabilities” in cases confirmed by ­clinicians.

National Guidelines for Autism Diagnosis

By bobb |

Media Release

The Autism Co-operative Research Centre (CRC) has published Australia's first National Guideline for the assessment and diagnosis of autism.

All Australians who require assessment for autism spectrum conditions are entitled to an early, affordable and comprehensive diagnostic process. The Guideline provides an opportunity to ensure a nationally consistent and equitable experience across the lifespan for families and individuals seeking a diagnosis.