changed position on National Autism Plan

By convenor |

Dear members of the Select Committee on Autism

When I appeared before you recently, you asked about a National Autism Strategy. Please disregard the answer I provided at the time.

Since that time, the Department of Social Services (DSS) and Services Australia:

  1. had senior officials appear before the Community Affairs Committee, and
  2. released a Position Paper on its National Disability Strategy.

These events both show DSS to be no longer fit-for-purpose.

Australians will now get more help to access the Disability Support Pension

By bobb |

Many autistic people indicate to us that they experience difficulty accessing the Disability Support Pension (DSP). Maybe, a new service will help.

A new online resource has been established to help people navigate the sometimes complex process of accessing the Disability Support Pension.

By Jarni Blakkarly

Natasha Thomson says for the two-and-a-half years it took her to get on the Disability Support Pension (DSP), it felt like every aspect of her life was being scrutinised.

Comment on DSS National Disability Strategy options paper

By convenor |

Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia responded to DSS's Options Paper on continuing the old National Disability Strategy (NDS) which they call a "new" strategy.

DSS's Options Paper shows no evidence of input from the disability community, especially input that says the previous strategy didn't work and substantial change is needed.

It also shows that it does not understand human rights in Australia but still tries to take a human rights perspective.

mental health support for autistic Australians

By convenor |

Dear Minister The Hon Greg Hunt MP

While Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4) appreciates the Government's improved provisions for some Australians needing increased support with their mental health, we are concerned that the needs of autistic Australians with mental illness, some those in most need of mental health support, are not being recognised and addressed.

‘Love on the Spectrum’ Cast Guide: Who’s Who in Netflix’s Autism Dating Show

By bobb |

Love on the Spectrum is a new Netflix dating show that follows a group of seven singles and two couples, all on the autism spectrum, as they either look for love or celebrate the love they’ve found. The show was a big hit when it debuted in Australia in late 2019, and now it’s found an international home on Netflix.

NDIS review of ECEI pathway - FoI 19/20-1047

By convenor |

Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4) sent a Freedom of Information request to the NDIA on 17/2/2020. See below for A4's request.

On the 26/3/2020, the NDIA, despite the original letter from Ms Faulkner informing A4 of the NDIS's "review to consider and identify enhancements to the ECEI tailored pathway", notified A4 "that the relevant area of the NDIA is unsure what specific review is referred to in your request". They say "We understand the difficulty in articulating what specific documents you seek access" (see the email thread below up to 22/5/2020).