First-of-its-kind guideline to improve supports for autistic children and families

By bobb |

Anna Christian

Autism CRC, an independent national research organisation focusing on best practice in relation to autism, has released a draft version of the first ever Australian national guideline to supporting autistic children and their families.

Once finalised, the National Guideline for supporting the learning, participation, and wellbeing of autistic children and their families in Australia will be used to ensure children can access the safe and effective supports that they want.

National Guideline for supporting autistic children and their families

By convenor |

Draft release for public consultation

Community consultation closes at 5pm (AEST) on August 29. All members of the community are welcome to provide feedback.

A draft version of the National Guideline for supporting the learning, participation, and wellbeing of autistic children and their families in Australia is now available for community feedback.

Autistic mums face stigma, misunderstanding

By bobb |

Savannah Pocock

Imagine that you are a teenager lying on a hospital bed receiving an ultra-sound because your doctor thought that may you have some ovarian cysts.

Suddenly, the nurse’s eyebrows furrow as she hurriedly turns the screen away from view.

Naturally, you freak out. ‘What is it?’ you ask the nurse.

She tells you everything is okay, turns off the screen and leaves the room.

After what feels like a decade, the nurse re-enters the room and tells you that you need to meet with your doctor,

NDIS: DRCO Forum 1 July

By convenor |

Subject: Fwd: DRCO Forum 1 July [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 16:14:28 +1000
From: Bob Buckley (A4 Convenor) <>
To: <>


I notice that the Actions from the last DRCO Forum says you would contact "the Autism Alliance and any other interested organisations about the NDIA business system and Participant Portal". I am an interested party who raised stuff relating to this issue in the meeting. I have heard nothing more. Has anything happened?