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The autism explosion in Australian schools

By bobb |

Imagine starting your first year of school with a ­volcano inside you. The sound of a ticking fan could overwhelm your senses or the heat from another’s body might stoke its rumbling. Any number of noises or smells can trigger the meltdown of an autistic child who might explode at home if one food touches another on the dinner plate. They might suddenly throw themselves onto the floor, screaming, hitting and kicking out at ­anyone who tries to restrain them.

Schools fail to cope with explosion in autism diagnoses

By bobb |

A dramatic rise in autism diag­noses has fuelled a surge in the number of students with disabil­ities, sparking a crisis in schools that education systems are unable or unwilling to fix.

A Senate inquiry into the issue reported yesterday that the education system was failing stud­ents, who were being excluded from enrolling because their disabilities were seen as a problem for individual schools.

Schools failing students with disabilities, teachers need more training: Senate committee finds

By bobb |

A Senate committee has released a scathing report on the state of school education for children with disabilities.

The cross-party Education and Employment References Committee chaired by Labor Senator Sue Lines recommended more funding to assist students with a disability and the schools that they attend, better teacher training and a more coordinated, national approach to identifying areas of need.

Senator Lines told 7.30 she was "shocked" by the evidence the committee heard.

Parents of high-functioning autistic children desperate for help

By bobb |

A WANDIN North mother is calling for more government help for carers of people with high functioning autism.

Two of Angela Jones’s four children have been diagnosed with the disorder, which she said placed a heavy emotional toll on her and other carers.

High functioning autism is a disorder that affects a person’s social and emotional behaviours. According to Aspergers Victoria, the boundaries between high functioning autism and Asperger syndrome are not clear — they are often considered the same disorder.

Figtree man behind bars for harassing woman on train

By bobb |

A Figtree man with Asperger's Syndrome will remain behind bars after reportedly indecently assaulting a woman on a train to Sydney. Peter Thompson, aged 40, allegedly hugged and kissed the woman without her permission on board a train at Waterfall on December 29. Thompson had previously been convicted of similar matters and was banned from riding on any public transport. Police say that despite those bail and bond conditions, Thompson continues to re-offend. He remains in custody until another court appearance on January 12.

Down syndrome man’s case upheld on appeal after ‘shocking’ slight by judge

By bobb |

A DISTRICT Court judge has been criticised for deciding a man with Down syndrome did not need a share of his father’s estate because he could not go to the pub, races or the movies.

The Court of Appeal said Brisbane Judge William Everson’s refusal to sanction an agreed settlement of $140,000 for John Abrahams denied him natural justice and a right to respect.

Girls and autism

By bobb |


Most people tend to think of autism as a male disorder ... but emerging research shows that girls often have different symptoms which cause them to slip through the net—misdiagnosed or undiagnosed by clinicians. We look at why girls on the autism spectrum present differently, and whether these sex differences are biological or environmental.

From the transcript ...

2015 Wrap - The Year in Numbers

By bobb |

From all of us at Autism CRC, we wish you a very safe and happy holiday season.  As 2015 comes to a close, we have reviewed the year in numbers:

  • 43 research projects are underway across our three research programs in diagnosis, education and adulthood.  
  • 8 projects are currently being finalised and we look forward to updating you on the results of these projects early next year.
  • Our 51 Participants, together with other collaborators, across Australia and internationally are working together to transform the lives of people on the autism spectrum.
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