Psychologist accused of assaulting student with autism tried to calm boy, court told

By bobb |

Phil Hickey

An educator says she was left "disturbed" by a conversation she had with a school psychologist who is on trial accused of assaulting a young student with autism.

The boy was 12 when the alleged assault happened at the school.

Agni Angelkovska, 50, is on trial in the Perth Magistrates Court accused of slapping the male student and throwing a cup of water at him at Christ Church Grammar School in 2014.

Sensitive Santa a gift to children with autism in Perth

By bobb |

Children with autism will be given the opportunity to meet with Santa away from the noisy crowds this Christmas to ensure their wish list makes it to the North Pole.

Ocean Keys Shopping Centre has had a quiet word to the elves and has organised Father Christmas to meet with children on the autism spectrum in a calm, quiet environment.

People on the autism spectrum can find noisy and crowded places unduly stressful, making Christmas crowds particularly difficult.

'Getting in early': WA to trial Australian-first autism program

By bobb |

Autism appears in about one per cent of children but because its rarely spotted before the age of three many don't get the early intervention work that could greatly improve their development down the track.

In an Australian first trial to begin next year a team of WA researchers hope to change that and fill a gap for autism early-intervention services.

I'm an autistic WA woman, and I reject 'quiet hour' at Coles

By bobb |

Georgie Elle

Supermarkets intentionally slaughter their customers with bright lights and music to influence their buying decisions.

Loud PA announcements, crashing trolleys, changes in temperature, smells from the bakery, deli, gardening department, butcher, seafood, staff with their large oversized trolleys parked in aisles in the way filling shelves that you have to carefully manoeuvre around...

Coles introduced a quiet hour to its shops in the eastern states.

Photo: Edwina Pickles

Wearable Art 2018: Mandurah girl shines light on autism

By bobb |

A 13-year-old Mandurah girl is shining a light on autism in the Wearable Art Mandurah competition, in an effort to remove the social stigma that surrounds the disorder. 

Kiana Lee Murphy has made a jigsaw puzzle dress which represents autism, her mother Michelle said.

“It is a metaphor for the coming together of pieces,” she said. 

“She wants people to know every autistic child is different and they’re not all the same.”

School autism project improving attendance and changing lives of children, families

By bobb |

Until recently, four-year-old Hussain Hussain communicated with his mother by pulling at her and pointing to what he wanted.

He managed the odd word but could not put two together.

His mother, Sohaila Ibrahim, suspected something was wrong and was not surprised when Hussain was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in late 2017.

As devastating as it was, the diagnosis turned out to be a blessing, making it possible for Hussain to attend a new school specialising in learning for students with ASD.

And the early signs have been extremely positive.

Waiting for the eruption: Why our autistic son had to leave to save our family

By bobb |

Tony Carr

It was a normal Saturday morning.

I was preparing to drive down to the local shop with my then 16-year-old autistic son Brandon to buy the newspaper and an ice cream.

Brandon looked forward to his weekend treat from dad and I enjoyed our little outing.

But this didn't turn out to be any normal Saturday morning.

Just before we were about to head out to the car, Brandon attacked his mother Joan with such ferocity it took me completely off guard.