'Only home he knows’: Family facing deportation over son’s autism seeks minister's intervention

By bobb |

The Lim family is facing a struggle to stay in Australia after the residency application for their son was rejected on medical grounds. They are now seeking intervention from Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil to be allowed to stay permanently.

Key Points

  • The Lim family’s permanent residency application was denied due to son Seongjae’s medical condition
  • They are now seeking ministerial intervention to remain permanently in Australia
  • An online petition has been launched to drum up support for the family’s appeal to Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil

Hyunsin Lim and his wife Yoojin Yang hoped to provide a ‘safe and fulfilling' life for their two children in regional Australia.

Subject: improper use of so-called Independent Assessors in AAT reviews for autistic NDIS participants

By convenor |

Subject: improper use of so-called Independent Assessors in AAT reviews for autistic NDIS participants
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2022 09:44:04 +1100
From: Bob Buckley (A4 Convenor) <convenor@a4.org.au>
To: The Hon. Mr. Shorten MP <Bill.Shorten.MP@aph.gov.au>, attorney@ag.gov.au
CC: ...

Dear The Hon Bill Shorten MP and the Hon Mr Dreyfuss MP,

From deficits to a spectrum, thinking around autism has changed. Now there are calls for a ‘profound autism’ diagnosis

By bobb |

This article by Professor Andrew Whitehouse, Bennet Chair of Autism at Telethon Kids Institute and from The University of Western Australia originally appeared in The Conversation on November 9, 2022.

A heated debate about autism was reignited after the recent publication of an article advocating for use of the term “profound autism”.