NDIS dumps "My Access Checker", adds "Access Checklist"

By bobb |

After almost 2 years in trial sites, the NDIA replaced it's "NDIS My Access Checker" web page. It has a new page that asks the key questions for NDIS eligibility ... and shows where the trial sites are operating.

The people currently getting NDIS support are those in NDIS trial sites. Others have to wait for the full roll out (which is getting closer).

The new web page is called the NDIS Access Checklist. Feel free to take a look.

2015: National Autism Centre (USA) review of ASD interventions 0-22yo

By bobb |

People who are prepared to read a "new review and analysis of interventions for autism spectrum disorder (ASD)" can find one to download here: http://www.nationalautismcenter.org/nat…

This project is designed to give educators, parents, practitioners, and organizations the information and resources they need to make informed choices about effective interventions that will offer children and adults on the spectrum the greatest hope for their future.

Disappointing! Government removed advice on early intervention for autism

By bobb |

Early in 2015, without consulting or even informing stakeholders and before submissions for the NDIS ILC consultation were due, the Government removed documents and links to them from its websites. These documents contain information that is crucial for families who need to act quickly after their child is diagnosed with autism. Without access to these documents families can miss crucial advice about choosing appropriate early intervention. 

Since these documents are helpful for people affected by autism spectrum disorder, A4 makes them available for download from its website (see the links below).

Helping Children with Autism extended until the NDIS starts

By bobb |

The Government announced that it will continue the Helping Children with Autism (HCWA) package until the NDIS starts. John Howard created HCWA in 2007 and Bill Shorten implemented it. HCWA funds about 5% of the early intervention that the Government advised a child with autism needs.

Funding extensions for disability and carer programmes

13 March 2015