Parents demand answers after autistic child was locked in school bike yard

By bobb |

Sarah Lansdown

Parents of child with autism who was locked in a school bike yard by a staff member are demanding to know why they were not informed until almost three months later, despite it being serious enough to warrant three separate investigations.

The parents were told that on May 7 their son, who is Indigenous, climbed into an unlocked outdoor bike storage facility at his ACT public primary school.

ABS SDAC 2022 data release - autism diagnosis rates continue to rise

By bobb |

The Australian Bureau of Statistics released some analysis of data collected in 2022 for their Survey of Disability Ageing and Carers (SDAC) - see 

There is a brief section on autistic Australians. It says simply: 

Autism and disability

In 2022:

NDIS reforms boosted by greater involvement in co-design with disability representative organisations

By convenor |

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has strengthened investment in co-designing key reforms to the NDIS, through a funding boost for Disability Representative and Carer Organisations (DRCOs).

The 27 organisations, who will receive up to $10.7 million of funding, collectively represent thousands of people with disability and their families.

A4's response to the draft National Autism Strategy - abundant opportunity for improvement

By convenor |

The Department of Social Security is charged with managing the development of Australia's National Autism  Strategy.

The consultation process for the first draft strategy has closed -  see

A4's "silver buckshot" response to the draft National Autism Strategy prepared by DSS staff is available from the links below.