a personal letter to NDIA CEO

By bobb |

From: Karna

Sent: Tuesday, 11 October 2016 11:09 PM

To: 'David.Bowen@ndis.gov.au' <David.Bowen@ndis.gov.au>

Dear Mr Bowen

With the NDIS rolling out nationwide it is time for the NDIA and its parent policy agency, Dept. of Social Services to start making policy on a number of disability issues such as that of people with autism spectrum disorder and challenging behaviours such as aggression. These people are a large portion of your clients mainly in tier 3 and fall often into the too hard basket due to high support needs and very difficult behaviour. They are the clients most NGOs and other providers do not want as they are expensive and a hazard at times to staff and other clients. I have a son myself who at times falls into this group and am well aware of other “informal supports “doing it very tough with such adult or adolescent children usually males. ...

Government not intending its autism over-diagnosis claim

By bobb |

A report from the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) said that in February 2014 the Department of Social Security (formerly FaHCSIA) funded $50,000 worth of research to establish "the extent of [ASD] over-diagnosis nationally".

A Deputy Secretary of DSS wrote back that

this wording is not intended to presuppose the findings of the Autism CRC report.

Qld Government information about autism spectrum disorder is out of date

By convenor |

A4 sent the following message to the Queensland Government via its contact webpage ... 

Much of the information on your webpage: https://www.qld.gov.au/disability/commu… is out of date.

Over 2% of school-age children in Australia are now diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

The DSM-5 was published back in May 2013 — the term "autism spectrum disorder" replaced the terminology/categories described in the DSM-IV.

advocate's letter to the NDIA

By convenor |

A disability advocate, Ms Julie Phillips, wrote this letter (link here PDF 3.5Mb) to the David Bowen, CEO of the NDIA, about early intervention for autism spectrum disorder. The letter starts:

I refer to the recent article in The Australian earlier this week 'Autism Cost Estimates Wrong'.

The article in The Australian that she refers to is available here: Bob Buckley: NDIS autism cost estimates ‘wrong’