This forum is for discussion of how A4 does systemic advocacy. Discussion of what A4 advocates should be in a separate forum (See advocacy). Relevant topics for this forum include how A4 decides what to advocate for and what advocacy processes are likely to be effective.

A4, tax and fund-raising

By bobb |

A4 operates at minimal cost. As it does not need much money, A4 does very little fund-raising.

It seems that the Tax Department (supported by the Federal Court) might not regard A4 as a "charitable" organisation ... see Possibly/probably the Tax Department would regard A4 as "too political" and not sufficiently "charitable".

What has been done in the past??

By crdconsulting |

Since I am new to this organization I am not too sure what has already been done in the way of advocacy and where you are currently.  I think it would be helpful for me for someone to create a document that shows what has been done to date and what the next goals or timeline are.  I'm sorry if this is creating more work for someone but just reading the newsletter shows me that there is so much to do and where do you start? or where do we continue from....  Is there a place where I can see the action plan or timeline??