Thousands of autistic girls and women 'going undiagnosed' due to gender bias

By bobb |

Hannah Devlin

Number of girls and women with the condition in UK may be vastly underestimated, leading neuroscientist says

Hundreds of thousands of girls and women with autism are going undiagnosed due to it being viewed as a “male condition”, according to one of the UK’s leading neuroscientists.

Genetic studies intend to help people with autism, not wipe them out

By bobb |

Simon Baron-Cohen

There are fears genetics research into autism will lead to eugenics and eradication of the condition. That must never come to pass, says Simon Baron-Cohen

Genetics plays a large role in causing autism, so knowing more about which genes influence it could allow a better understanding of the condition.

World's largest autism grant will transform research landscape

By bobb |

The largest research grant ever given for neurodevelopmental conditions has been awarded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative to an international consortium academically led by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King's College London.

The €115 million grant, titled Autism Innovative Medicine Studies-2-Trials (AIMS-2-Trials), will increase our understanding of autism and help develop new therapies to improve health outcomes and quality of life for autistic people.

Autistic people at greater risk of becoming homeless – new research

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William Mandy

Tony had lived on the streets for 45 years, and in recent years had become increasingly physically unwell. Despite this he refused all offers of help, and it became clear to his support workers that he found social engagement of any kind very distressing. It was only when it was recognised that he had autism that staff were able to adapt their approach to support him to move off the streets into a hostel.

Inclusion is best for people with autism

By bobb |
Professor Rita Jordan

Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett’s article on access for autistic individuals recognised that “autism friendly” sessions are not necessarily a solution, and carry their own dangers (Guess what – people with autism like the cinema too, 2 May).

Many conferences on autism now have modifications such as quiet withdrawal spaces, reduced lighting and “deaf clapping” (silent waving). It is reasonable to meet the needs of known autistic individuals attending an event but not to assume all “autistic” needs are common.

British Film Institute apologises after woman with Asperger's 'dragged' from cinema for laughing

By bobb |

The British Film Institute has apologised after a woman with Asperger's syndrome was "forcibly dragged out of" their London cinema for "laughing too much".

Key points:

  • Tamsin Parker shouted "I'm sorry I have Asperger's" as security staff removed her
  • Some audience members applauded, while some protested, with many walking out
  • BFI apologised and said it was investigating the incident