Action Must Be Taken to Stop Bullying of Students with Disability

By bobb |

Stephanie Gotlib

Unfortunately, bullying of students with disability, including abuse and violence at school is not a new, unusual or unknown experience, writes Children and Young People with Disability Australia CEO Stephanie Gotlib.

Many in our community were rightly sickened by the footage which emerged recently of a young boy with disability being violently assaulted by peers outside a secondary school in Melbourne.

Defining moment for National Disability ­Insurance Scheme

By bobb |

Rick Morton

Rob De Luca isn’t ready to speak with you yet.

The young, newly installed chief executive in charge of the $22 billion National Disability ­Insurance Scheme was adamant he didn’t want a public email when he took over the reins in August last year.

He uses a made-up first name, keeping the address off the books because he doesn’t want ­direct emails from “normal mums and dads, agency staff and participants”, according to one disgruntled staff member.

NDIS's 'very cold' attitude leaves parents of disabled boys outraged

By bobb |

The parents of two boys with disabilities say they were shocked with how the NDIS responded to their request for funding for basic equipment.

Hobart couple Michael and Jasna Baric are full-time carers for their sons Joshua and Lucas, who have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

The condition means the boys' muscles are progressively degenerating and becoming weaker.

"The disease is degenerative; it won't get any better," Ms Baric said.

'They'll physically lose their ability to walk and use their body.

Community rallies behind Aussie family to give them new hope

By bobb |

THEY were going to have to give up their young son for the safety of the other children — but the generosity of strangers has given this family new hope.

Ally Foster

Living with severe autism

ONE Australian family were on the brink of making the most heartbreaking decision of their lives but an outpouring of generosity from hundreds of strangers has given them new hope.

Liz and Sean Whelan were faced with every parents worst nightmare: being forced to give up one of their children for the safety of the rest.

hoping to help the NDIS move forward

By bobb |

Dear Dr Nugent and Mr De Luca

A4 is happy to assist you and the NDIA. We are keen to be "moving forward". A4 is happy to meet "later in the month" as you requested.

A4 keeps trying to improve outcome for autistic people in Australia. We believe a meeting with you has real potential.

These letters follow on from

Mild autism cases are not the NDIS’s core concern

By bobb |

The Australian (editorial)

The following are the (unAustralian) views of The Australian newspaper's editorial staff. A4 rejects these views.

The National Disability Insurance Agency has made a prudent call in deciding that some autism sufferers will no longer qualify automatically for assistance under its $22 billion scheme. On Saturday, Rick Morton reported that officials are endeavouring to rein in costs by paring back the number of people with autism receiving funding packages. Among National Disability Insurance Scheme participants, 29 per cent have autism. Autism is the single biggest condition listed among the 30,000 children aged 14 and under. Of these, almost half are regarded as high-functioning with a “low level of disability”. However fraught, now is the time to resolve eligibility issues before the NDIS reaches full rollout in 2020, when it is set to serve 475,000 people.

NDIS bid to restrict access by rewriting rules on autism

By bobb |

Rick Morton

A radical plan to alter the definition of autism will be the cornerstone of a push to restrict access to the $22 billion National Disability Insurance Scheme, which could see thousands of people with substantial support needs removed from the system entirely.

The agency in charge says the proposed redesign will dismantle the idea of an autism “spectrum” — an idea coming back in vogue globally — and place people into specific “subtypes” based on individual characteristics.

Autism advocates blast proposed 'cutbacks' to NDIS access

By bobb |

David Wroe

Autism groups have expressed shock and disappointment at reports the agency administering the National Disability Insurance Scheme is looking to cut the number of autistic people who are virtually guaranteed of qualifying for support.

Advocates said they believed the National Disability Insurance Agency was working on plans to rein in costs by changing the qualification criteria so that many people would have to be individually assessed to determine their need for support.