‘Wildly unreasonable’: agency slashes mother’s NDIS funding and then her daughter’s

By bobb |

Jannine Scott says funding had been ‘life-changing’, but now feels every time she interacts with the NDIA ‘it’s combative’

When Jannine Scott first joined her daughter Bethany on the national disability insurance scheme, it was “life-changing”.

The scheme funded in-home support workers for Scott, who has a spinal cord condition, and even paid for a power wheelchair and other assistive technology.

Scripts make jab easier for autistic kids

By bobb |

Melbourne mum Leah Dean knows better than most that attending a COVID-19 vaccination appointment is anything but simple for children with autism.

Loud noises, crowds and bright lights anywhere, let alone at a busy immunisation hub – coupled with the uncertainty of a brand-new experience – can make her teenaged son very anxious.

But with the help of a set of special step-by-step instructions called a social script, 13-year-old Alexander was recently able to successfully have both his shots.

Families in crisis after NDIS funding cuts to participants with autism and intellectual disabilities

By bobb |

When Karen McKenzie received an unexpected letter from the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) in August, she had to read it three times before it sank in.

Key points:

  • Hundreds of people with autism and intellectual disabilities have lost NDIS funding after the NDIA ruled it wasn't "value for money"
  • Some parents have quit their jobs or sold their homes to become their children's full-time carers
  • The federal government denies it has a "secret plan" to cut funding to people with autism

Her son Jarrod, who has autism and severe intellectual disabilities, needs help to eat, get dressed and use the bathroom, but the NDIS funding that paid for his carers had been cut by more than half.

Workers with autism find door into the public service

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Jackson Graham

Canberra public servant Gordon Douglas’ initial search for a job in government was met with rejections until he knocked on the right door. 

The 36-year-old with autism cycled through job applications, hoping to find a way to put his public policy degree to use.

But unable to land a role, he worked as a courier driver, insurance claims processor, overseas teacher and spent time on Jobseeker. 

Shifting the Dial on Autism

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Alliance calls on major parties to act now to improve the lives of Autistic Australians

The Australian Autism Alliance is calling on major political parties to make four key commitments to enhance the quality of life and lifelong outcomes for Australians living with autism and their families ahead of this year’s federal election.

Disability Sector Statement of Concern On the Religious Discrimination Bill & impacts on people with disability

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We, the undersigned, are deeply concerned about the harmful impacts the proposed Religious Discrimination Bill will have on Australians with disability.

We all support protection against discrimination on the ground of religion and of religious freedom as essential to any thriving democracy, but this must not be allowed at the expense of the rights and dignity of others.

labour shortages an opportunity to improve disability employment

By convenor |

Subject: labour shortages an opportunity to improve disability employment
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2022 07:08:24 +1100
To: senator.ruston@aph.gov.au, Minister.Reynolds@dss.gov.au
CC:Bill Shorten <bill.shorten.mp@aph.gov.au>, Hughes, Hollie (Senator) <Senator.Hughes@aph.gov.au>, Senator Jordon Steele-John <senator.steele-john@aph.gov.au>

Dear Minister

reports of major labour shortages provide an immediate opportunity for business and government to act to improve disability employment in Australia.


Sexologist Jodi Rodgers backs Dylan Alcott's call, everyone deserves love

By bobb |

Lish Fejer

It's been a week since Dylan Alcott was awarded Australian of the Year, and he was clear in his acceptance speech; people with a disabilities deserve to be included in all facets of life; including being loved.

Jodi Rodgers is a Sexologist Counsellor at Birds and Bees and assists the participants of ABC TV's Love On The Spectrum find love.

She agrees with Dylan, lets stop dismissing the importance of finding love.