The UN Committee reviewing Australia's implementation and compliance of the CRPD published its Concluding Observations - see https://www.afdo.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/UN-Outcomes-Report-on-Australia.pdf
Their reports fails to mention autistic Australians. Autistic Australians are the biggest distinct primary disability type in the NDIS and the NDIS is the dominant mechanism for tackling CRPD issues.
The report makes numerous mentions of people with intellectual and psychosocial disability. Many of the observations apply equally for autistic Australians but autistic people and their needs are not discussed.
Mr Buckley, A4 Convenor, said, "It's as if the Committee simply did not read A4's submission and autistic people just don't exist. It is extremely disappointing".
see also http://a4.org.au/node/2116