By bobb |

From all of us at Autism CRC, we wish you a very safe and happy holiday season. As 2015 comes to a close, we have reviewed the year in numbers:
- 43 research projects are underway across our three research programs in diagnosis, education and adulthood.
- 8 projects are currently being finalised and we look forward to updating you on the results of these projects early next year.
- Our 51 Participants, together with other collaborators, across Australia and internationally are working together to transform the lives of people on the autism spectrum.
- 3 new Participants: Amaze, The Autistic Self Advocacy Network of Australia and New Zealand (ASAN AUNZ) and Dr Wenn Lawson, strengthen our program and ensure the voices of the lived experience are at the centre of all we do – informing research need, conduct, evaluation and translation.
- 15 PhD scholars are working on Autism CRC projects.
- 8 publications and 57 oral and poster conference presentations, including 22 at the 2015 Asia-Pacific Autism Conference.
- In an international first, Autism CRC held the inaugural Researching Autism Together Workshop graduating 14 autistic participants into the Autism CRC Research Academy.
- 2 research projects are currently being co-produced with CRC researchers and Research Academy members.
- 6 students commenced the Graduate Certificate in Autism Diagnosis at the University of Western Australia and a further 10 doctors undertook the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) training. 4 Battery World scholarships for the Graduate Certificate program were awarded.
- The Autism CRC Biobank will include the biological material and behavioural, clinical and genetic information from more than 4,600 individuals on the spectrum, their families and other donors.
- More than 500 health and early childhood professionals were trained in Social Attention and Communication Surveillance (SACS-R) to assist in earlier diagnosis.
- Almost 1,500 professionals, parents and young people on the spectrum responded to the nationwide Educational Needs Analysis.
- 26 Masters Psychology students were trained in anxiety interventions/school connectedness resourcefulness for adolescents.
- 120 classrooms across Australia are engaged in Autism CRC research projects.
- 26 professional training courses were delivered by the Social Skills Training Institute in four countries.
- At least 1,400 families have benefitted from the Secret Agent Society program in 2015.
- 242 families are now part of the six-year Longitudinal Study of Australian Students.
- 2 landmark four-year longitudinal studies have been launched and are actively recruiting. The first is focusing on the transition from school into post-school life and the second on adults over 25 years of age.
- 2 research contracts were secured through the Department of Social Services. The first project is examining diagnostic practices for autism across Australia with results due in early 2016. The second will investigate the most effective interventions for children transitioning into primary school.
- The Autism CRC Health Hub was launched with a range of co-produced resources already available at
Thanks to all for your contribution to a year of significant progress and achievement. We look forward to seeing you all in 2016.