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ABC's Q&A squibs on disability

By bobb |

The ABC's Q&A program squibs on the disability questions that top its list of "most liked" question.

The ABC Q&A website invites people to submit questions online. And it has a list of "most liked" questions (see The extract below (accessed on 1/12/2012) shows questions about disability are at the top of their list of questions. Disability question are:

  1. the top two questions
  2. four of the top six questions

Disabled workers challenge naive employers

By bobb |

A fear of the unknown is deterring Australian employers from hiring more people with disabilities, according to the chief executive of one of Australia's largest companies.

Luke Sayers, chief executive of PriceWaterhouseCoopers, has challenged corporate Australia to increase opportunities for people with disabilities.

About 5 per cent of the PwC 5500-strong workforce has a disability, and Mr Sayers would like to increase the proportion to between 15 to 20 per cent. He believes more employers could do the same.

"It's clearly the right thing to do," he said.

autism gene "discovered": research vs the media

By bobb |

Media reporting of research often has its challenges. An research article1 says:

Autism-Associated Mutations in ProSAP2/Shank3 Impair Synaptic Transmission and Neurexin-Neuroligin-Mediated Transsynaptic Signaling.

Arons MH, Thynne CJ, Grabrucker AM, Li D, Schoen M, Cheyne JE, Boeckers TM, Montgomery JM, Garner CC.


Disabled need legal protection

By bobb |

Lauren Murada

Jokes about people with disabilities are no laughing matter for Marrickville resident James Eggleton.

Australia has its racial, homosexual and religious hate-crime laws, but Mr Eggleton can't understand why there are non for the disabled.

Mr Eggleton, who has a disabled family member, says he's sick of seeing vilification of the disabled in the community.

Abuse, assault and neglect on the rise in disability housing, report shows

By bobb |

HUNDREDS of disabled Victorians have been assaulted and left languishing in hospitals, with many others suffering unexplained injuries that go unreported.

In one case, a disabled woman who could not speak spent almost three days with broken legs before she received appropriate treatment.

Irate dad says his disabled daughter was bound on a school bus

By bobb |

A FURIOUS father says his disabled daughter, 11, was tied up on a school bus, and is considering legal action.

Michael says Caitlyn was restrained by staff trying to stop unruly behaviour, including scratching at seats.

He said his daughter had told him force was used to bind her wrists with rope.

The principal of the Ballarat Specialist School said he believed shoelaces were used by bus staff to secure Caitlyn to her seat.

Police and the Education Department are investigating an August 29 incident.

A police spokesman said a Ballarat man was interviewed yesterday.

People with a disability and single parents face more legal problems - LAW Survey

By bobb |

Australians with a disability and single parents are twice as likely to experience legal problems, according to a landmark national study.

The LAW Survey (Legal Australia-Wide Survey) published by the Law and Justice Foundation of NSW is described the largest ever survey of legal need conducted anywhere in the world.

It shows that legal problems are widespread and that many disadvantaged people are particularly vulnerable to multiple and substantial legal problems.

The Disability Clothesline

By bobb |

What is the Disability Clothesline?

We started this project because people with disability and their families did not h
ave a voice.

When we tell our stories about abuse, neglect and violence, people do not always listen.

But if lots of us tell our stories, people will listen.

We want to tell our stories to the Australian community.

We are going to do this by using teeshirts to share our stories.

This will spread the message we want people to hear.

'Disability violence and abuse is not okay.'

You can help us by telling your story.