Changes in the Concept of Autism - 2024

By convenor |

Our understanding of autism has changed over the last forty years.

Historically, autism was diagnosed based on narrow criteria. Today, while still defined by social and communication difficulties, rigid interests and repetitive behaviours, the autism spectrum is far wider, and the historical under-diagnosis of women and girls is being addressed.

‘Autisms’ are more often discussed as neurodivergence rather than a single ‘disorder’ to be treated.

This lecture explores how our understanding of autism has changed, and directions for future research.

Report reveals economic cost of school suspensions — kids with disabilities over-represented

By bobb |

the Specialist Reporting Team's Alison Branley and national disability affairs reporter Nas Campanella 

In short

A new report has shed light on the cost of school suspensions to families and the broader economy.

Children living with disability are over-represented in school suspension statistics.

Autism advice to the NDIA - FoI request denied

By convenor |

If you are interested in knowing what advice the NDIA sought and received about autism from its selected and secret Autism Advisory Group (AAG) we're here to let you know ... the NDIA won't tell you.

The NDIA's Freedom of Information (FoI) process in this instance has been a total farce. The law says FoI requests should be processed in 30 days. But not in this case.

Specialist childcare classes for children with autism cut amid NDIS funding reform

By bobb |

Geraden Cann

In short:

A specialised Victorian day care that one parent credits with teaching his autistic sons how to play says it will end dedicated classes for children with autism next year due to changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

The government agency that implements the NDIS said the scheme would continue to fund early childhood intervention and supports to help children participate in early education.

Parents demand answers after autistic child was locked in school bike yard

By bobb |

Sarah Lansdown

Parents of child with autism who was locked in a school bike yard by a staff member are demanding to know why they were not informed until almost three months later, despite it being serious enough to warrant three separate investigations.

The parents were told that on May 7 their son, who is Indigenous, climbed into an unlocked outdoor bike storage facility at his ACT public primary school.

ABS SDAC 2022 data release - autism diagnosis rates continue to rise

By bobb |

The Australian Bureau of Statistics released some analysis of data collected in 2022 for their Survey of Disability Ageing and Carers (SDAC) - see 

There is a brief section on autistic Australians. It says simply: 

Autism and disability

In 2022: