By bobb |

A4 members should decide which subjects they wish to discuss on this website.

In my view, this website should be for the discussion of matters relating to A4's Vision and Mission.

Should we encourage people to discuss subjects not related to A4's Vision and Mission on this website, or on other websites? Should we indicate other websites that might be appropriate ... if so, which other forums can we refer people to?


15 years 9 months ago

Staying on track with singleminded vision is the only way we can make a difference as a group. Splintering off on different tangents with different ideas will solve nothing and go nowhere. Stay focussed, passionate and enthusiastic! Believe in what you stand for and who you are! Never lose sight of what's really important and take all necessary steps to achieve the ultimate goal, whatever it takes!

Each person has a different experience to share and we all need help each other so why not get involved by visiting one of the already numerous forums that already exist. There are plenty of forums in Australia and America which hold a wealth of information on all topics associated with ASD where no topic seems taboo. There always seems to be someone online at the ready with their opinion or advice to help. Some of the Australian ones aren't as active because there aren't many users.

The one I have joined is

I have found it useful because there are many more people using it and within minutes there seems to be replies and ideas to to help with whatever issue I am having.

There is also one here in WA but it has only just started up: Autism Solutions Incorporated Internet Forum, other parents have questions waiting to be answered and information available about services to support you and activities for your family. Please add anything you would like to. 

It's easy to join, when you arrive at this page, just click on Register, enter your email address (which will NOT be displayed), choose a user name for yourself and a password. Then each time you arrive you type your user name and password. You can join the discussions and ask your own questions.

I'm sure I could go on and list many more but why not "google" or use your search engine? Type in the words 'autism' 'forum' (your state) eg 'nt, vic, wa, qld, tas, nsw or sa' and 'au' (australia)...It's amazing what you can find out. Also  many service providers have their own forums too. The World Wide Web is an amazing resource. I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for.



Hope this helps.