By convenor |

The Australian Federal Government is creating another National Disability Strategy (see

The consultation was spectacularly short … about 6 weeks. The government launched its discussion paper on 17th October 2008. The closing date for comments was 1st December.

Few ASD-related organisations had the capacity to respond to the discussion paper. Mostly, they were very busy implementing major elements of the Helping Children with Autism package at the time.

The A4 Steering Committee prepared a belated response and recently sent it to the Government (see below). We hope the government will consider our input.

National policy like this has a substantial effect on how people with a disability live their lives. While the policy is usually very broad, it influences the lives of people with a disability. Policies like this matter. If you take a look at this material please let us know what you think. We created a forum topic so you can add your comments. Please let us know what you think ... good or bad.