By Jennifer Tait |

I am currently researching the idea of Social Enterprise relevant to young adults, university graduates, school leavers, and high school students in the Albury Wodonga area who have Aspergers or High Functioning Autism. I\'m trying to find successful models used in Australia and overseas, and to learn about what is currently available for this group of people in the local area. I\'m also interested in any research supporting the concept of Social Enterprises for this group and ideas of the type of enterprise that might be viable in this area, and appropriate to the employment of people on the Spectrum. The Enterprise needs to be viable long term, and able to become self-sustaining and hopefully profitable, with the goal of growth to provide more jobs, and the provision of employment training both general/social, and for specific traineeship roles for high school students. Thoughts?

Jennifer Tait

11 years 10 months ago

Profitable would be the ideal to ensure growth. I've read a bit about the nonPareil Institute, which is probably well beyond what we could achieve starting from scratch. Have you had any experience with a social enterprise of this nature?

Hi Jen, I am on the cusp of creating a viable supported employment venture in the region for transition-aged students on the spectrum. Happy to chat anytime. Mobile is 0423 773 091