The following list shows A4's recent advocacy. This list contains both publications (including briefs and submissions) and communications (letters & emails).

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Dodgy report clears Victoria's schools to cage special needs students

By bobb |

Dear colleague

The attached document has taken half a day to prepare but only scratches the surface of this appalling corrupt investigation into Bendigo SDS.

If you have Facebook pages that parents of children attending Bendigo SDS may access, please post this. It is important that they have an understanding that the recent letter they received from the Department of Education is misleading.

People on autism spectrum die 18 years younger than average

By bobb |

Emily Underwood

People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) die on average 18 years before the general population, according to a report released today by Autistica, a philanthropic group based in the United Kingdom. People with both ASD and an intellectual disability die even younger, on average 30 years earlier than those without the conditions.

Qld Government information about autism spectrum disorder is out of date

By convenor |

A4 sent the following message to the Queensland Government via its contact webpage ... 

Much of the information on your webpage:… is out of date.

Over 2% of school-age children in Australia are now diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

The DSM-5 was published back in May 2013 — the term "autism spectrum disorder" replaced the terminology/categories described in the DSM-IV.

advocate's letter to the NDIA

By convenor |

A disability advocate, Ms Julie Phillips, wrote this letter (link here PDF 3.5Mb) to the David Bowen, CEO of the NDIA, about early intervention for autism spectrum disorder. The letter starts:

I refer to the recent article in The Australian earlier this week 'Autism Cost Estimates Wrong'.

The article in The Australian that she refers to is available here: Bob Buckley: NDIS autism cost estimates ‘wrong’