letter or email to various people

hoping to help the NDIS move forward

By bobb |

Dear Dr Nugent and Mr De Luca

A4 is happy to assist you and the NDIA. We are keen to be "moving forward". A4 is happy to meet "later in the month" as you requested.

A4 keeps trying to improve outcome for autistic people in Australia. We believe a meeting with you has real potential.

These letters follow on from http://a4.org.au/node/1741

to NDIA CEO & Chair

By bobb |

Dr Helen Nugent

Mr Robert De Luca
Chief Executive Officer

Thank you for you letter, 18 May 2018 in response to A4's media release.

Mr Peter de Natris did not "advise [me] by phone on 15 May 2018" of anything. He did not call me. I note that a spokesperson for your organisation told The Guardian (see https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/may/18/ndis-mistakenly-posts-changes-restricting-access-for-autistic-children) that someone from the NDIA called me ... but that is not true.

Re: NDIA, autism stakeholders and early intervention [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

By convenor |

Dear Ms Nugent

Thank you for your reply and for your apparent intervention.

Please note that I met with Mss Faulkner, McClelland and O'Neill in January 2018 (and previously in December 2016) with the alleged purpose "to discuss [A4's] concerns"; but the meetings were not discussions. I explained what happened in the latest meeting in my previous letter; the NDIA officials were unprepared for the meetings so they did not discuss A4's concerns related to early intervention for autistic children.

Concerns over AAT processes for NDIS reviews [DLM=For-Official-Use-Only]

By convenor |

Thank you.

Bob Buckley

Mr Buckley,

I have referred your feedback to management for consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Kate Lynch

Executive Officer

Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Principal Registry

Dear Ms Lynch

Thank you for your interest. However, I am concerned that ongoing reviews of decisions relating to young children who need early intervention are delayed indefinitely in the AAT process.