Hanson says vaccines may cause autism

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Incoming Queensland Senator Pauline Hanson says parents should think twice before vaccinating their children.

The One Nation leader says public vaccination programs may be to blame for the rising rates of autism and cancer and says the government has failed to screen immigrants posing a threat to public health.

Proponents of the anti-vaccination theories who share unscientific misinformation about the safety of vaccinations online and have long spruiked the discredited link between vaccination and autism.

Queensland's first school for autistic children set to open

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They say a mother's love knows no bounds and soon Queensland's first school for autistic children will open its doors and it’s all thanks to a Brisbane mum's battle for her son.

Cindy Corrie realised that her beloved son Sam reacted differently, even at a tender age, so when he was eventually diagnosed with autism she wasn’t surprised.

"We had a kid who, you know, was really, really special, he looked at the world differently, he has amazing skills," the proud mother told 7 News.

Autistic five-year-old suspended from Prep school

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ONE of the biggest milestones in a child’s life — starting school — has turned sour for little Jacob Hall.

The five-year-old Preppie, who has autism, was suspended by Bray Park State School in his second term for “conduct that adversely affects, or is likely to adversely affect, the good order and management of the school”.

His mum Sarah said she could not believe the school’s action.

She has since removed Jacob and enrolled him at Lawnton State School, where he started on May 3. She said he was settling in well and enjoying his time at Lawnton.

Qld kids with autism will stay in class

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Qld kids with autism will stay in class

Queensland's education minister has ruled out separating children with autism from the rest of their class, despite teachers complaining they disrupt their peers' learning.

Kate Jones and Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk on Wednesday opened the new $2 million Autism Hub and Reading Centre - an Australian first - in the inner-Brisbane suburb of Woolloongabba.

Ms Jones was asked whether the government would reconsider a policy to keep children with autism in the classroom, given the level of disruption teachers say they create.

Qld Government information about autism spectrum disorder is out of date

By convenor |

A4 sent the following message to the Queensland Government via its contact webpage ... 

Much of the information on your webpage: https://www.qld.gov.au/disability/commu… is out of date.

Over 2% of school-age children in Australia are now diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

The DSM-5 was published back in May 2013 — the term "autism spectrum disorder" replaced the terminology/categories described in the DSM-IV.

Down syndrome man’s case upheld on appeal after ‘shocking’ slight by judge

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A DISTRICT Court judge has been criticised for deciding a man with Down syndrome did not need a share of his father’s estate because he could not go to the pub, races or the movies.

The Court of Appeal said Brisbane Judge William Everson’s refusal to sanction an agreed settlement of $140,000 for John Abrahams denied him natural justice and a right to respect.

Mackay artist with Asperger's syndrome receives award for achievements

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When the scattered afternoon sunlight seeped its way into a restaurant in the heart of Mackay, Nekea Blagoev's creativity, widely splashed across the walls, came to light. 

According to Nekea, the first milestone in her life did not involve walking or talking.

Instead, her earliest memories involve painting and drawing.

"Mum was always constantly painting the walls because I was always drawing on them," Nekea said.

"It was more of a hobby when I was a kid, and it just developed into something bigger than I could have ever dreamed of," she said.

School puts autistic boy in ‘cell-like’ room

By bobb |

AN AUTISTIC student was locked inside a small room with the windows boarded up at his Hervey Bay primary school because his teacher said he needed “time out”.

Tate Smith, 9, was locked in the room unsupervised up to 20 times in the last year, left with just a thin mattress on the floor and a pillow.

Mother Kelly-Ann Brooks said her son, who is in Year 3 at Kawungan State School, had been left distraught by the ordeal, describing the 2x2m room as “cell-like”.