The NDIS Review final report is available from https://www.ndisreview.gov.au/resources/reports/working-together-deliver-ndis
It's a 338 page report. There is an infographic that might be a good introduction or summary ... for those who find those accessible.
An Easy Read version is also available.
While it provides 26 recommendations, it indicates 130+ actions are needed to deliver those recommendations ... over a five year period (so it does not call for immediate change).
The report does not single out autism for exclusion from the NDIS as the prejudiced mainstream media and others wanted.
It also fails to say much about the so-called unexpected proportion of autistic NDIS participants. It's view of childhood seems to lump children with developmental delay together with autistic children. A4 is concerned that such an approach is detrimental for autistic children ... but A4's concerns do not appear to have been recognised. Hopefully, recognition will emerge in the next five years ... especially if there is a credible National Autism Strategy (which rates a mention on page 123).
As A4 expected, the NDIS Review report primarily points to areas and directions for future work. Most of the work has yet to be done.