An Upper House inquiry has been established to examine the provision of disability services in New South Wales.
The Hon. Greg Donnelly MLC, Chair of the Committee said: 'The disability sector has undergone significant reform in recent years. This inquiry is an opportunity to examine a range of issues effecting the sector. A key area of interest is the implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)'.
Mr Donnelly continued: 'The committee will examine the effectiveness and impact of privatising government-run disability services; the experience of people with complex care and support needs in developing, enacting and reviewing NDIS plans; the accessibility of early intervention supports for children; and the provision of support services, including accommodation services, for people with disability regardless of their eligibility for the NDIS'.
The Chair stated: 'The committee will also consider issues concerning disability service providers including the adequacy of relevant regulations and oversight mechanisms, challenges facing these organisations and their sustainability,and workforce issues impacting the delivery of services'.