Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia, also known as A4, is a systemic advocacy organisation that advocates nationally in Australia on behalf of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) including Asperger's Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS).
A4 membership is free but is only open to people living in Australia. If you live in Australia and want to join A4, just click here (register new member), fill in the form then click on the "submit" button at the bottom.
You can help make a difference for people with ASD just by joining A4 ... having more members helps A4 influence government. So please join A4, and encourage other you know who are interested in ASD to join.
A4 operates entirely on the internet (website and email) so people from all over the country can participate.
Benefits for Members
A4 members receive A4 Updates via email. The newsletter is publlished every one or two months and provide information about ASD, advocacy for people with ASD and discussion of ASD related issues.
A4 encourages its members to participate in advocacy activities for ASD. Through participation, A4 members can learn to advocate better for themselves, members of their families and other Australians with ASD. Or just join A4 to be part of this active and effective advocacy organisation.
Representing varied views on ASD-related issues
A4 recognises that people with ASD, carers and their families have varying views about ASD and what will help people with ASD and their associates. Effective advocacy for people with ASD depends on A4's ability to respect and represent the views of its members ... and to represent the range of views where there is no shared/agreed view.
The diversity of views on ASD is a major challenge for A4. When the views that members express on an issue are not united, A4 represents the range of its members views rather than identifying a majority view. A4 feels this approach better represents the nature of opinions in the ASD community. A4 asks its members to respect the right of others to hold their own views on ASD-related issues.