By convenor |

From: Bob Buckley (A4 Convenor) <>

Sent: Thursday, 11 April 2019 11:40 AM

To: ElectorateOffice Kiama <ElectorateOffice.Kiama@parliament.nsw.g…>

Subject: help for an autistic man in regional NSW

Dear Minister for Disability

This morning, I had a conversation with the mother of a 28 year old autistic man from regional NSW. I understand he has been charged with some offenses and has a bail hearing coming up. The offenses may relate to online stalking or threats (though he is unlikely to be able to carry out any threat as he doesn't leave his home).

The police have confiscated all the mobile phones and computers from their house, so communication with them is very difficult.

The autistic man was told that his mother is too stressed, so it seems he's trying to keep her out of it all; but it is unlikely that he understands his situation properly. He is likely to refuse help ... but he really needs it.

I think this is a very challenging matter and deserved immediate attention. It is very unclear to me how best to seek help other than asking you for assistance. Can you help? My number is 04xx xxx xxx.


Bob Buckley

Convenor, Autism Aspergers Advocacy Australia (A4)


A4 is the national grassroots organisation advocating for autistic people, their families, carers and associates. A4 is internet based so that Australians anywhere can participate.

“The first step in solving any problem is recognising there is one.” Jeff Daniels as Will McEvoy in The Newsroom.