National Autism Strategy

National Autism Strategy

DSS NAS logo - says Australian Government National Autism Strategy - help shape the change

Australia is developing a National Autism Strategy (NAS) as a result of:

The initial community consultation period for the NAS is very brief: 4 September 2023 to 30 October 2023 - 12:00am so get in and have your say immediately. Check the DSS web page - 

The official government web page for the NAS is The page says how you can have your say about the NAS. It has a section headed "What is the National Autism Strategy?" (that does not even attempt to answer the question).

The National Autism Strategy is a result of work by the autism sector, especially A4, The Australian Autism Alliance, ASfAR and Amaze, to to have governments in Australia develop a strategy to improve outcomes for the increasing numbers of Australians whose autism is being diagnosed and recognised but whose needs were not addressed in Australia's Disability Strategy. After 10 years, the NDIS has not developed a credible approach to its Autistic participants (who have emerged as the biggest primary disability type in the NDIS). And the Disability Royal Commission failed to recognise properly Autistic Australians in its findings. The prospective National Autism Strategy is potential recognition that autism is a distinct disability that that needs specific attention and better outcomes.

A4's previous articles on the NAS include:

Some people in the autism and disability sector have expressed surprise, and some concern, that DSS and the Minister have not included A4, the recognised autism DRO, in either the NAS Oversight Committee or any of the DSS-managed NAS Working Groups. 

The Health Department has included A4 in its Working Group for its National Roadmap to Improve the Health and Mental Health of Autistic People


A4's response to DSS NAS discussion paper

A4's response to DSS NAS discussion paper convenor

A4's response to the National Autism Strategy can be downloaded from the link below.

A4 also work with the GCG consultants to deliver a report on employment for Autistic Australians for the NAS.

See also Reports provided to the National Autism Strategy (NAS) 

Attachment Size
A4Response-discussionPaper.pdf (476.94 KB) 476.94 KB

A4's response to the draft National Autism Strategy - abundant opportunity for improvement

A4's response to the draft National Autism Strategy - abundant opportunity for improvement
cover of A4's "silver buckshot" response document

The Department of Social Security is charged with managing the development of Australia's National Autism  Strategy.

The consultation process for the first draft strategy has closed -  see

A4's "silver buckshot" response to the draft National Autism Strategy prepared by DSS staff is available from the links below.

Attachment Size
A4-NASDraftStrategySubmission.pdf (400.51 KB) 400.51 KB
draft-national-autism-strategy-BBComments.docx (403.94 KB) 403.94 KB

Reports provided to the National Autism Strategy (NAS)

Reports provided to the National Autism Strategy (NAS) convenor

As the NAS got underway, A4 provided several reports (see below).

The Autism Spectrum Disorder in Australia report describes numerous datasets relating to autism. Australia has several national datasets that include population data relating to people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. These show diagnosis rates over time, by age, etc. Some of the data is quite detailed.

The Lessons learned and overseas autism policies reports summarise autism strategies and polices from overseas.

The NAS also received a copy of Amaze's report on experiences of autism strategies overseas.

Attachment Size
Autism Spectrum Disorder in Australia_0.pdf (2 MB) 2 MB
Lessons Learnt_0.pdf (860.45 KB) 860.45 KB
GCG-OSpolicies_0.pdf (870.44 KB) 870.44 KB