A disability advocate, Ms Julie Phillips, wrote this letter (link here PDF 3.5Mb) to the David Bowen, CEO of the NDIA, about early intervention for autism spectrum disorder. The letter starts:
I refer to the recent article in The Australian earlier this week 'Autism Cost Estimates Wrong'.
The article in The Australian that she refers to is available here: Bob Buckley: NDIS autism cost estimates ‘wrong’
Ms Phillips' letter concludes:
I look forward to the NDIA ensuring taxpayer' monies are wisely spent, and that children and adults with AUtism Spectrum Disorder are not being harmed by the claimed "evidence-based services" from the myriad of Australian autism providers claiming to provide such services. Your responsibilities are even more grave, given the numerous state and national reports that have been published in the last year on the abuse of people with disabilities by service providers.
We await Mr Bowen's response.