Reports provided to the National Autism Strategy (NAS)

Reports provided to the National Autism Strategy (NAS) convenor

As the NAS got underway, A4 provided several reports (see below).

The Autism Spectrum Disorder in Australia report describes numerous datasets relating to autism. Australia has several national datasets that include population data relating to people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. These show diagnosis rates over time, by age, etc. Some of the data is quite detailed.

The Lessons learned and overseas autism policies reports summarise autism strategies and polices from overseas.

The NAS also received a copy of Amaze's report on experiences of autism strategies overseas.

Attachment Size
Autism Spectrum Disorder in Australia_0.pdf (2 MB) 2 MB
Lessons Learnt_0.pdf (860.45 KB) 860.45 KB
GCG-OSpolicies_0.pdf (870.44 KB) 870.44 KB